
My garden in the early summer. 10

蓑虫 Mino mushi. Bagworm. 蛍袋 Hitaru bukuro.  Campanaula punctata.
一文字挵 Ichimonji seseri. Straight swift.
豆柿 Mame gaki. Date plum.
額紫陽花 Gaku ajisai. Hydrangea macrophylla.
真竹 Madake. Japanese Timber Bamboo.
茱萸 Natsu gumi. Cherry silverberry.
These are photos I took yesterday.


Higashi Tanzawa. 5.18

熊鷹 Kuma taka. Mountain Hawk-eagle. (Yang) 沢蟹 Sawa gani. Japanese Freshwater Crab. (Yang)
日本蜥蜴 Nihon tokage. Japanese five-lined skink.
川蜻蛉 Kawa tonbo. Mnais pruinosa
逆八蝶 Sakahati ctou. Large Map Butterfly.

My garden in the early summer.9

キウイフルーツ kiwifruit. (A female flower) A male.
南瓜 Kabocha. Pumpkin.
西洋唐辛子 Seiyou tougarashi. Bell pepper.
花蔓草 ハナツルクサ(Hanaturukusa). Baby sun roes.
松葉菊 Matsba giku. Lampranthus spectabills


Monkeys of Hacati-zaki. (Minami-Izu Shizuoka-ken)

Boss monkey. This aged boss took a threating attitude. But it was not forcefull. Because this boss lost a dogtooth.

I went to the Hakati-zaki for the observation of the monkey at the day before yesterday with my friends. Then on the way home we had a lunch in friend's eel restaurant in Izu-Nagaoka.


Tanzawa.(okuno rindou,Isesawa rindou)

四国菫 Shikoku sumire. Viola sikokiana. 房桜 Fusa zakura. Japanese euptelea.

額空木 Gaku utsugi.

藪手毬 Yabudemari. Viburnum plicatum Thunberg f. tomentsum.
円葉空木 Maruba utsgi. Deutzia scabra .
鎌柄 Kamatsuka. Pourthiaea villosa.
金雀枝 Enishida. Broom.
姫蓮華 Hime renge. Sedum subtile .
山躑躅 Yama tsutsuji. Torch azalea.

I went to from Okuno rinndou to Isesawa rindou in the morning with Dr,Fukuda.


My garden in the early summer .8

四十雀 Shijyu kara. Great Tit.

宮城野萩 Miyagino hagi. Bush clover. 隠元豆 Engen mame. Common bean.
虫取り撫子 Mushitori nadeshiko. Sweet William Catchfly.


My garden in the early summer.7

赤樫 Aka gashi. Japanese evergreen oak.


My garden in the early summer. 5

透百合 Sukashi yuri. Thunberg lily.

黄脚長蜂 (Ki ashinaga bachi.) paper wasp. This kind of wasp builds the nest on the roof at my home every year. 女王蜂だと思われる。
Fine day. High28℃ Low18℃